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Somos la pera Grupo

About us

Somos la Pera is a NON PROFIT group in Munich – we promote Short Films from Latinoamerica and Spain and we organize cultural events.

Focus area

  • intercultural and empowerment projects and events
  • German-Spanish Short films production


Short film «Piedra Ardiente» , audition, Lololand, Das indiskrete Sofa and other Short films.

Somos la PeraHablamos de cine...
Somos la PeraShortfilm festival Munich

Other Projects

The Platform Tips4Projects

Our goals for 2021:

To continue with the space «Hablamos de cine»
with more virtual interviews and surprises.
In March/April a docu project (short)
In April/May a virtual Short Film event
in Autumn the Short film festival Hispano Munich

2021/2022 new German-Spanish Short film
